Easter, Year A
May 7,
Trees, Fruit, and Small Woodland Creatures: The New Eden
Jesus said, “All who came before me are thieves and
thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life,
and have it abundantly.” Those who came
before Jesus were those who were seen as a messiah, an anointed one of
God. There was a messianic fervor in
Jesus’ time, a great desire for one to arise who would be the messiah, the
anointed one to drive Rome out of Israel and to lead Israel into a time of
peace and prosperity, a time that would last forever. They were wanting a new king over Israel as
the messiah, the anointed one, because the anointed ones were the kings of
Israel. David, king David who slew Goliath
was the second of these anointed ones, these kings. David was seen as the greatest of all the
kings of Israel, and by what Jesus said, he was a thief and bandit.
See, God was not overly enamored of Israel’s desire to have
a king rule over them. God even warned
Israel what would happen if they placed a king over themselves. In 1 Samuel, God said to Israel that if you
place a king over you, he will take your sons for his chariots and horsemen;
your daughters to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers. He will take the best of your fields,
vineyards, and olive orchards to give to his friends; and 1/10 of your grain
and vineyards to give to his officers and his friends. He will take your servants and the best of
your cattle, 1/10 of your flocks, and “you shall be his slaves.”
Now, being that the people of Israel thought things through
about as well as we do, they said, “sounds great; sign us up!” Now, some of the kings of Israel were pretty good,
some were ok, and some were rancidly terrible, but they were all anointed ones,
all messiahs. They were all seen as the
new savior of Israel, and according to Jesus, they were all thieves and
bandits. They made war. They conquered and were conquered. They took from the people in order to bring
about their conquests, and they took from the people in order to live in the
opulence fitting for a king.
Jesus did something different. Jesus did not seek conquest. He did not kill. He did not take from his subjects in order to
live like a king, instead he lived simply.
Jesus was anointed by God, the messiah, and he led his people by being the
good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. Many people had wanted to raise Jesus up as
their earthly king, as their earthly anointed messiah to lead a revolt against
Rome, and he could have let them. He
could have chosen that; he had every right to, being, you know, God, but he
didn’t. Jesus chose instead to be
killed, rather than have thousands or even millions be killed in order to drive
Rome out for the sake of some insults, some hardships, and a building.
That’s really what it came down to, right? Rome ruled over Israel and collected taxes
from them, usually taking more than they were supposed to. Corruption abounded. They began appointing the high priest over
Israel, desecrated the Temple in various ways, stole from the temple, and
heaped contempt upon contempt for the Jewish people and their religion. Insults, hardships, and a building. Jews began to radicalize amidst the
oppression of Rome and the messianic fervor of the age, and in the year 66, the
great revolt began against Rome. The
Jews rebelled and won their first couple of battles again Rome. After that, things did not go well. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were killed
fighting in the great revolt, and in the year 70, the Temple was destroyed by
Then in 132, the Bar-Kokhba revolt began. Shimon Bar-Kokhba was yet another messianic
figure who led a three year revolt against Rome. This revolt cost hundreds of thousands of
more Jewish lives and also ended in defeat.
All told, estimates are that over a million and a half Jews were killed
in these two revolts, the Temple was destroyed, and in the year 135, the entire
nation of Israel was destroyed, the people taken into slavery or forced to move
“The thief comes in only to steal and kill and destroy,”
Jesus said. The people of Israel
followed thieves and bandits, and their lives were stolen from them. Husbands and fathers became killers. Men with livelihoods took up the sword and
were killed. Their whole way of life,
indeed their entire nation, was destroyed.
“I came that they may have life,” Jesus said, “and have
[life] abundantly.” The
earliest disciples of Jesus followed a different path than the path laid out by
the thieves and bandits who led Israel. Jesus’
small band of disciples followed him as their shepherd, as the gate to fields
of life abundant. They followed in his
ways. When they were kicked out of the
Synagogue, they did not argue that they deserved to be there, they simply met
in people’s homes instead. When Rome
said they couldn’t meet in the temples of the Roman gods, they did not demand a
right of worship, but met elsewhere.
They followed Jesus, the good shepherd, and God added daily to their
numbers. They were a people without a
nation, a people of many nations, living wherever they were, following and
believing in Jesus. They didn’t have
doctrine yet. They didn’t have a set of
beliefs about Jesus other than his teachings, his death, and his
resurrection. People followed him,
believed in him and his way, and they received life, abundantly.
Like the people of Israel, the earliest Christians were
living under the corrupt and oppressive government of Rome which didn’t care
one whit if any of them lived or died, but rather than fight that government,
they banded together and provided for each other as there was need. They cared about each other more than they
cared about their stuff, and they cared about each other more than they cared
about fighting against Rome.
They were, as we read in Psalm 1, like trees planted by
streams of living water. I know, it’s a
mixed metaphor, shepherds and trees, but we’ll go with it. Trusting in Jesus, following in his ways, and
banding together to care for one another, the earliest Christians became a
forest fed and nurtured by the abundant life of Jesus. Together, this forest had fruit in abundance,
and they shared their fruit with others, even the small woodland creatures who
were not a part of the forest, who did not work for their fruit. They provided shade and fruit for these
creatures living in their forest, and they and even let some make their homes
in their branches, and these other creatures became trees as well, sharing in
the abundant life of Jesus. They were
provided for by Jesus, by their trust and faith in him and in his ways, and
they shared abundantly with others. Now,
men came with axes from time to time, the oppression of Rome, and this forest
of the early church even shared abundantly with them. Some of these men became part of the forest
themselves. Others of these men came and
cut down some of the trees, but the forest remained and continued to have
abundant life and to share life abundant, fed by the streams of living water of
Jesus and his ways.
This forest of the early church was the new Eden of
Jesus. That was Jesus’ kingdom. That was the place where Jesus led his
disciples, the new Eden, and the new Eden of Jesus and his way could happen in
any kingdom of earth, in any place and in any time. The people of Jesus’ way, of his movement,
did not look for an earthly thief or bandit to lead them to steal what others
had, to force their rights upon others, to kill, be killed, and destroy. The people of Jesus’ way, his movement,
looked to Jesus to lead them beside still waters, to be for them streams of
living water so that they could be planted in any place and bring forth fruit
and shade to care for those around them, to give to any as there was need. That is life, the life abundant in the Jesus
movement, life with Jesus as our shepherd.
Looking at a modern example of a thriving church with life
abundant, the church in China is in a similar place as the early church
was. The government of China is not
overly enamored of Christianity, so while they allow it, they have state
sponsored churches, led by earnest Christians, but regulated by the state. Sounds a little like Israel under Rome,
doesn’t it. Rather than rebel against
the government, however, many Christians in China are simply forming their own
churches. They are meeting in homes or
other larger building that they own.
They aren’t demanding any rights from the government; they are just
going ahead and meeting, being the church, and the government is letting
them. They come by and check the roles
to know who is attending these unregistered churches, but without fighting,
with no thieves and bandits to steal, kill, and destroy, these unregistered
churches in China are thriving and growing.
They are becoming, like the early church, a forest planted by the
streams of living water of Jesus and his ways.
Now some in this country still talk about Christianity being
attacked by our government. Rather than
quibble about whether such oppression is true or untrue, I would say it is
irrelevant. Where the church thrives, it
thrives not because a government allows it to.
The church thrives and becomes the new Eden whenever and wherever the
people of the church follow Jesus, trust in him and his ways, and band
together, caring for each other more than their rights as a church. When the church follows Jesus and his ways,
and when we band together and care for one another, we become the new Eden, a
forest planted by streams of living water that thrives and has life
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